High-Performing Pediatric Emergency Departments

High-Performing Pediatric Emergency Departments

Learn more about the tools Dell Children's uses to meet ED patient needs and monitor population change.
Quick Takes

  • Charge nurses manage productivity.
  • Staff share responsibilities and flow between check-in, treatment and discharge tasks.
  • Review ED volumes sedations, ventilators every four hours to gauge capacity.

Children's Hospital Association analysts compared four staffing criteria from the PROSPECT program to identify high-performing pediatric emergency departments (EDs). Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas emerged as one of the top hospitals.

Charge nurses manage productivity at Dell Children’s. Lisa Earp, RN, M.S.N., S MEMS, director, emergency services, says this is the most important part of their success. The charge nurses make real-time decisions about volumes as patients arrive and can determine whether flexing of staff is necessary.

This overview gives insight into a few of the tools Dell Children's uses to meet ED patient needs and monitor population change.


This data set facilitates appropriate staffing standards while helping reduce costs and maintain viability in the marketplace.

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