Invitation-only events can be found in your member dashboard.
2025 Transforming Quality Conference
During the conference, children’s hospitals will have the opportunity to connect, share learnings, and collaborate on care and system improvements that impact child health outcomes.
Advancing Pediatric Firearm Injury Prevention
Learn how children’s hospitals are working to keep kids safe through prevention of pediatric firearm injuries.
Safeguarding Mental Well Being in Pediatric Health Care
By prioritizing mental health, health care staff can enhance their well-being and strengthen their ability to support the patients and families who rely on them every day.
On Demand
Supporting Caregivers: A Guide to Well-Being
Children’s hospital well-being experts discuss emerging trends and solutions to the ongoing challenges of caregiver burnout, recruitment and retention, and employee engagement.
Challenging Sepsis Webinar Series
Pediatric sepsis research and guidelines continue to evolve, and preventing child deaths requires continual refining of evidence-based interventions.
Enhance Patient Care and Social Health With Team IMPACT
Join CHA and Team IMPACT to learn how this free program is enhancing patient care at children’s hospitals across the country and how your children’s hospital can get involved.