Pediatric Clinical Classification System (PECCS) Codes

Pediatric Clinical Classification System (PECCS) Codes

PECCS can be used for prioritization of comparative effectiveness research, understanding health services use and trends, and outcomes research.

PECCS classifies the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) diagnosis codes into mutually exclusive, clinically meaningful conditions with special emphasis to pediatric conditions. It was developed by modifying the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) for pediatric use.

PECCS can be used for prioritization of comparative effectiveness research, understanding health services use and trends, and outcomes research.

Specifically, the PECCS codes include:

  • 834 mutually exclusive categories from classifying 72,446 ICD-10 CM codes.
  • Important pediatric conditions such as acute bronchiolitis, Kawasaki disease, etc.
  • Proposed clinical type (medical; surgical; medical/surgical) for the codes: users can modify the proposed clinical type based on their preference.
  • External and residual codes as identified by HCUP-CCS.

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