Accreditation and Regulatory Course Library

Accreditation and Regulatory Course Library

These courses help pediatric organizations educate staff on Joint Commission pediatric standards and delivering quality care.

Like any organization, children's hospitals are required to meet set expectations to ensure high-level performance. The Pediatric Learning Solutions Accreditation and Regulatory product line consists of courses for pediatric organizations to educate staff, helping them meet standards for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Joint Commission pediatric standards and recommendations for other regulatory bodies.

These courses focus on delivering quality care in a safe environment. In addition, organization-specific information and policies can be added to the courses.

Accreditation and Regulatory Library courses 

Age-Specific Competencies for Non-Clinical Staff
Back Safety and Musculoskeletal Disorders
Bloodborne Pathogens
Corporate Compliance
Electrical Safety
EMTALA Overview
Fire Safety
Foundations of Service Excellence
Hand Hygiene
Hazardous Chemicals
Healthcare Emergency Management
HIPAA Overview
Infectious Waste
Introduction to Research Ethics
Introduction to Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Management of MDROs in the Health Care Setting (Non-Clinical)
Promoting Patient Safety
Radiation Safety
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
The Joint Commission Survey Process
The Joint Commission's National Patient Safety Goals
Workplace Violence


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Learn more by participating in a live session or viewing course demos.

For more information, contact:

(913) 981-4187

About PLS

Pediatric Learning Solutions’ online education provides the foundational knowledge clinicians need to master the competencies and skills for safe and effective patient care.

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