Pediatric Workforce Shortages Factsheets

Pediatric Workforce Shortages Factsheets

These factsheets provide background on pediatric non-physician clinical workforce shortages as well as policy solutions.

CHA has created two factsheets on pediatric non-physician clinical workforce shortages that provide background on the issue as well as federal, state and other policy solutions.

The factsheets call for a targeted focus on the unique needs of children—and the specialized care providers who serve those needs—to ensure that our health care system has the full range of trained pediatric providers needed to deliver optimal care to children.

The factsheets describe how pediatric workforce shortages are different than adult shortages; provide data on the extent of the pediatric workforce shortage crisis; explain the key drivers of pediatric specialty provider shortages and offer policy solutions.


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Children’s Hospital Association is the national voice of more than 200 children’s hospitals, advancing child health through innovation in the quality, cost, and delivery of care.

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