CHA Submits Comments and Joins Coalition Letter on NIH Reform Framework

CHA Submits Comments and Joins Coalition Letter on NIH Reform Framework

CHA’s response addresses the inclusion of pediatric patients and research within NIH institutes and centers and strengthening the pediatric research workforce pipeline.

In June, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers released a request for information on proposals to reform and restructure the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In response, Children's Hospital Association (CHA) joined a Coalition for Pediatric Medical Research (CPMR) letter and submitted our own comments on this proposal.

CHA’s response addresses the elimination of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the inclusion of pediatric patients and pediatric research within all NIH institutes and centers, additional support and funding for the All of US research program, and strengthening the pediatric research workforce pipeline.

Read the CPMR and CHA joint letter.


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