A New Tool for Measuring Employee Well-Being

A New Tool for Measuring Employee Well-Being

Dec. 15, 2022

On Demand

About This Event

Measuring well-being is essential to understanding your employees' needs and aligning them with organization goals. During this webinar, you will learn about a new tool from CHA that enables your organization to target and improve well-being.

The Well-Being Index, included with CHART® participation, analyzes lifestyle components, medical data, and the social determinants of health (SDOH) that may act as barriers to better health, The Well-Being Index can help hospitals discover insights about their employees including:

  • Populations with predicted emerging risk.
  • Individuals most likely to respond to early intervention.
  • Those who are willing and able to engage in behaviors to improve health.
  • The most optimal ways to engage these populations.

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For more information, contact the Benefit Advisory Services team.

(913) 262-1436

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