Pediatric Learning Solutions Case Studies

Pediatric Learning Solutions Case Studies

Transition to Practice Initiative Increases Competency and Reduces Costs

A hospital streamlined three programs to create a path for competent, confident nurses from school through residency.

Taking Orientation Back to Basics for New Nurses

A hospital adjusts to a progressive nursing orientation model across pediatric units, resulting in increased competency and decreased burnout for learners.

A Phased, Individual Orientation Process for Float Team Nurses

A hospital’s retention rate of float team nurses is well above national averages.

Improve Retention and Standardize Education for NICU Nurses

This case study outlines how a multi-state health system standardized NICU curriculum across 25 facilities.

Standardized Curriculum Decreases Length of Nurse Onboarding in the NICU

Neonatal educators reduce NICU orientation cost and time across facilities.

Creating a Staged Approach to Critical and Acute Care Orientation

Simplifying learning pathways improves competencies and retention of new nurses.

Tiered PICU Orientation Gets New Nurses to the Bedside Faster

Hospital educators successfully improve the quality and effectiveness of their PICU orientation program.

Caring for Pediatric Patients in Adult Hospital Units

Nurses in adult units increase competencies and critical care knowledge to fill the experience gap when caring for pediatric patients.

Standardizing Pediatric Care Education Across a Large Health System

Online courses deliver consistent content and quality education leading to standardized pediatric care.


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For more information, contact the Pediatric Learning Solutions team.

(913) 981-4187

About PLS

Pediatric Learning Solutions’ online education provides the foundational knowledge clinicians need to master the competencies and skills for safe and effective patient care.