Child Health Patient Safety Watches
3 Emerging Safety Risks for Pediatric Hospitals
Stay aware of these known risks to avoid preventable harm.
Pressure Injuries
Pressure injuries occur in up to a quarter of pediatric hospital cases, frequently progress after detection, and may become sentinel events.
Discharge Medication Errors
Pediatric patients are at high risk of medication errors due to age- and weight-based dosing and because some patients may not be able to recognize discrepancies.
Unrecognized Clinical Deterioration
Children compensate differently and for longer periods than adults do, making it more difficult to recognize deterioration.
Procedural Anchoring Bias
Biases can affect health care providers’ medical decision-making and judgment and prevent them from seeking further assessment or guidance.
Retained Foreign Objects or Surgical Items
These “never events” put health care facilities at risk of litigation and increased healthcare costs and influence the reputation of the organization.
Wrong-Site Frenulum Procedural Interventions
Performing interventions on the wrong site has led to repeat visits to the operating room and prolonged anesthesia requirements.
Child Health Patient Safety Watches
The Child Health Patient Safety Organization® (PSO) assesses potential risks pediatric hospitals and health care professionals should be aware of.
About the PSO
The Child Health Patient Safety Organization® enables children’s hospitals to share safety event information and experiences to accelerate the elimination of preventable harm.